Oppositional Defiant Disorder: Raising a Child with ODD and ADHD

ODD stands for Oppositional Defiant Disorder. It is a conduct disorder. Children with ODD frequently have severe temper tantrums, do things that annoy people, argue, defy adults’ requests, seem angry and spiteful and blame others for their own misbehaviour.

Find out more about Conduct Disorders in Children, read and download our Fact sheet, or watch more real life experience films.

Celina’s daughter has ADHD. But Celina describes how the ADHD feeds Oppositional Defiant Disorder (ODD) and it is the ODD that affects her daughter the most. ODD is the most common Conduct Disorder in children 10 years and under.

Celina explains the challenges of her daughter’s behaviour which present both at school and at home. They must explore ways for her to remain at school and for them to have a settled home life.

Conduct Disorders are the most common mental and behavioural problem in children and young people. (7% in boys and 3% in girls).
