Anxiety And Me : Real Life Child Mental Health Experiences

Please note – some images and content may be upsetting or disturbing. This film is not intended to be watched by children.

This short film features real life accounts of Anxiety experienced by young people. Through their words we see the importance of early intervention by parents and teachers.

It is normal for young children to have worries but if these worries become intense and begin to impact on their daily lives, it may be that they have an anxiety disorder.

Nip in the bud strongly believes that early intervention and support for children ensures far better outcomes.

Find out more about Anxiety in Children, read and download our Fact sheet, or watch more real life experience films.

The young people in this film describe their experiences with Anxiety, what they feel, what their symptoms are,  how their fears impact their lives. If diagnosed earlier children can learn techniques to overcome their anxiety.  Early intervention is key.
